Wednesday 22 February 2012

First Day Shooting+Colour Correction

After shooting the opening scene in two days, i decided to waste no time in importing my clips to Adobe Premiere where there is endless possibilities in adding and editing effects to your clips. I knew, looking back at the original clips, that some appeared too 'ordinary and lacked that cold feeling which would suit my opening very much.

As you can see the original clip shows my character's face in a normal outside light. The problem with this is that lighting can determine emotions and interpretation of a scene is very important. Therefore i decided that editing using Curves and Tint would be ideal. Since being very familiar with the very simple iMovie software I had to quickly learn the basics of colour correction and FXs.

I imported the clip into the timeline of Adobe Premiere and selected it for effects. I clicked on colour correction where a wide range of selections were possible including glow, glamor and brightness and contrast. After selecting colour correction i chose tint. My friend recommended that it is standard to normally set it to 40%-50%. The effect takes away strong colour and makes the overall look much more subtle. After applying this effect, i then used curves to bring up the following window:

All colours are fundamentally made up of red, blue and green and so changing these on the curve line presents very different results. In the top left you'll see the curve line which can be manipulated to vary the visual effect. For example, a steep line leading to the top right corner of the graph will result in darker colours dominating the picture. however by lifting the top half of the line towards the top to give a more steady line will help bring the lighter colours become more visible. The result of the combination results in a stronger, more vibrant picture- the wooden bridge stands out more against the lighter snow.

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