Monday 27 February 2012

Evaluation Question 3- Distribution

Distribution is explained on Screenonline by David Sin

Distribution is a huge piece of the puzzle- "Our personal understanding and appreciation of film is shaped by our experiences at the cinema. The exhibition of film is a commonplace, shared cultural activity highly visible in every city and town in Britain, constantly feeding the popular memory."

It is often not recognized and appreciated- "By contrast, distribution, the third part of the film supply chain, is often referred to as 'the invisible art', a process known only to those within the industry, barely written about and almost imperceptible to everyone else."

Other factors are involved in a film's popularity- "Yet arguably, distribution is the most important part of the film industry, where completed films are brought to life and connected with an audience."

A deeper insight into industrial cinema- "Distribution is about releasing and sustaining films in the market place. In the practice of Hollywood and other forms of industrial cinema, the phases of production, distribution and exhibition operate most effectively when 'vertically integrated', where the three stages are seen as part of the same larger process, under the control of one company"

A more local approach- "In the UK, distribution is very much focused on marketing and sustaining a global product in local markets."

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