Sunday 4 March 2012

Choosing My Distributor

I was given many distributors to choose from but i had to think of why i would pick a particular one in relation to my film. After careful consideration, it soon became apparent that Artificial Eye would suit my production the best. Artificial Eye is a distributor in the U.S. and UK, specialising in foreign-language and art house films.
The company is associated with the Curzon chain of cinemas in London.
The logo for Artificial Eye

Considering that my production is low-budget and independently made (the opposite of the typical blockbuster), i realised that Artificial Eye would appropriately distribute the art-house genre in which my film possess.

Such films distributed by Artificial Eye are Michael (2012), The Kid With A Bike (2012) and We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011).

Interestingly, whilst at Curzon cinema Soho today, i saw many feature films due to be realised by Artificial Eye and they all seemed to relate to my film. Whilst The Kid With A Bike (2012) revolves around the story of a father who abandons his son, Michael (2012) follows a middle-aged man with some quite rare and distasteful characteristics.
Not everything is spoon-fed to the audience

'The film is not merely a chilling insight into the day-to-day banality of evil, but also an unbearably suspenseful and tense drama.' - Peter Bradshaw, the Guardian.

In this perspective, my film very much follows the conventions of this thriller/drama. My film seeks to tell the audience that 'day-to-day' situations holds a 'banality of evil'. Not everything that you see in art-house thrillers is obvious and i want to, like these films, portray a dark and very surreal world.

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